The time is December, 1999.
Some HistoryIn the end of the 1960s and throughout the 1970s and 1980s, frustrated by centuries of religious and ethnic oppression under successive Russian and Soviet governments, many Jews living in the Soviet Union sought to leave the country in order to gain freedom and a chance to live openly as Jews. The risks were many: becoming an official persona non grata, inability to get a job or an education, even imprisonment. The Soviet government's response to the efforts of Jews to emigrate was an organized and efficient program of personal and group harassment of those who applied to emigrate through official channels. Applying for a permission to emigrate was a process that could take years. If an exit visa was denied, the person and his whole family faced continuing persecution for as long as they were forced to remain in the USSR. Men, women, and children who were refused permission to emigrate were called refuseniks. During the 1970s and 1980s, Western Jewish organizations focused tremendous efforts on supporting the refuseniks and their right to emigrate from the Soviet Union. It became common for Jewish communities and Jewish schools and colleges in the United States and Europe to "adopt" refusenik families, writing and telephoning them, sending visitors, making their voices heard in demonstrations and petitions. At many Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations, a young American Jew would "twin" himself or herself with a child of Bar or Bat Mitzvah age in the Soviet Union. |
This work of fiction is an accurate account of carefully researched events in recent history. A lot in this story is based on real life experiences. Precision and accuracy are very important to the author, as this history is being whitewashed now after the collapse of the Soviet Empire. |