OLIKA, TocoHills

I have built Fake Town of Olika, in Toco Hills
And am inviting you to visit. It is a virtual town, so a virtual visit will do.
If however you decide to walk over one day, it certainly also is an option
as it can be done with no human contact whatsoever
---by walking around the house, climbing up the deck steps, and
glancing at my graffiti.

Here is a story

i am doing a lot of yard work these days, instead of gym and walks
---because of forced life changes blamed on covid

As I was clearing the branches, parts of the fence became bold.

I trimmed the ivy a bit and the plan was to paint there something like this,
incorporating the tree into the picture.

Since travel is on hold, I deserved to get a bit of a city in my backyard.

Here is work in progress

Here is pretty much finished product

The town is named Olika, after the town in Poland where allegedly my husband’s grandfather was coming from.

However, What I painted on my fence looks more like a Hans Christian Andersen type of a town,
where Ole Lukoie tiptoes from home to home, which I vividly remember imagining as a child.

This is a view from my kitchen window